CannaScoop Disclaimers

All information provided on this site, or its related content partners, particularly relating to medical conditions, health care, preventative care, healthy lifestyles, or any other health-related topics are for general informational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical advice or be considered in replacement of advice provided by your own physician or health care provider.

CannaScoop, its employees, affiliates, or partners are not responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from or the connected use of this product. Any warranty or representations, expressed or implied, are limited to those set forth in this document. We make no representation to any customer about the applicability of any of our products for any particular purpose, other than those explicitly stated in the product information.

The customer assumes no ownership of the products being sold and does not have the right to sell, resell, or transfer the products without written permission from the company.

Any third-party products sold are not the responsibility of CannaScoop and are subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and disclaimers of the respective third party. All third-party trademarks, including logos, remain the property of their respective owner(s).